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About Delune

At Delune, we're committed to providing the highest quality organic essential oils, home, and beauty products for those who appreciate a natural lifestyle, while also doing our part to minimize our impact on the environment. Since our founding in 2018, we've been dedicated to promoting a more sustainable, ethical, and eco-friendly approach to living.

Our products are carefully crafted using only the finest organic ingredients, and are packaged with minimal or no outer packaging, to reduce waste and conserve resources. We're also proud to use glass containers whenever possible, which are reusable and recyclable.

Our commitment to the environment is more than just a business practice, it's a way of life. We believe in the importance of caring for our planet and its precious resources, and we're always striving to find new and innovative ways to reduce our carbon footprint and promote a greener future for all.

By choosing Delune, you're not just choosing a brand that cares about your skin, you're choosing a brand that cares about the world we live in. Together, we can make a positive difference and help create a more sustainable, ethical, and beautiful world for generations to come.

Love your mother(earth).