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Pure Essential Oils

Unlock the PristiQuant™ advantage: Immerse yourself in the transformative world of our essential oil collection. Discover the potency of 100% pure, unadulterated oils, meticulously tested and assured through our industry leading PristiQuant™ PQ+ system.

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Organic Wellness Grade

Organic essential oils guaranteed with our Field to Sealed promise.
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Blends for every mood

Discover a world of relaxation and tranquility with our essential oil blends
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What sets your essential oils apart from others?
Our essential oils undergo a rigorous 4x distillation process, ensuring the highest concentration of natural goodness in each drop. This meticulous distillation guarantees unparalleled potency and quality.
How can I identify the purity of your oils compared to other brands?
A telltale sign of purity: when a drop of our essential oil evaporates, it leaves no greasy residue. Unlike impure brands, our oils are free from additives, leaving you with the true essence of nature.
How do you ensure the quality of all your essential oils?
Every single essential oil in our collection is subjected to our exclusive PristiQuant™ Assurance Tests. This comprehensive system of over 40 tests guarantees the highest level of purity, authenticity, and safety in every bottle.
What benefits can I expect from using your PristiQuant™ essential oils?
Our PristiQuant™ essential oils offer a multitude of benefits, from enhancing your DIY projects to promoting overall well-being. By choosing our oils, you're indulging in an aromatic experience that's backed by quality, purity, and authenticity.

No need for favourites

Every oil fits every home.

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