Lavender, lemon, peppermint, and tea tree rank, in my humble opinion, as the four most useful essential oils you should have at home. Every time someone asks me which essential oil they should start with, I recommend these four.
What makes these four oils so special? They are useful in so many different ways! Lemon, lavender, peppermint, and tea tree oil can be used to clean, sanitise, or freshen just about anything around the house.
(Note: if you're just getting started with essential oils, I would recommend taking a look at the Essential Starters Kit in our shop! It's a great way to jumpstart your collection, plus you can save 10% by using the code STARTER10 when you check out!)

Beginner's Guide To My Top 4 Favourite Oils
I want you to experience these four oils for yourself, so don't just listen to me. Try them out for yourself! This is why I have created a Beginner's Guide, where you can find a wealth of practical, everyday uses for these oils.
Despite the title, you do not have to be a beginner to use this! It's always handy to have a copy of it at your desk or in a cabinet so it's always readily available whenever you need it.
Below you will find a free printable copy of my Beginners Guide To My 4 Favourite Oils. Click the button to access it.

It's even available on mobile!
You're not done yet! I have also created a mobile-friendly version of the guide for those who prefer digital references over paper ones. Simply download this version for easy viewing on a smartphone or tablet! Simply click the button below to receive the mobile guide.

Feel like an essential oils expert in no time when you print this handy guide and save it!
How do you like to use your essential oils?
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